Title:  Manage your Teams group


Problem:  You want to add members to your Teams group and manage them.



  1. To manage your Teams group you will click on the “” icon for the drop-down menu to appear. Select “Manage team”.



  1. Let's modify your Team.
    1. Click on “Add Member”. 

    1. Search for the first name (followed by last name if necessary). Click on the exact match to confirm.


    1. Click on “Add” and then close. Your Team member has been added.


  1. In this section, we can view all our Team members, modify their roles or remove them. 


         a. Click on the "X" to remove a specific member from your Teams.



  • You are expected to be an owner of a Teams group to follow these steps. 


Additional Support:

            Email: support@homespiremortgage.com

            Phone: (301) 591-5122 or Ext 400