4-Step Guide to Uploading/Scanning Docs through the HomespireGo Mobile App

Step 1: In the mobile app, to begin uploading documents the borrower will click on the “Scan” icon. Located on the bottle of their mobile device.

Step 2: The borrower will then scan the document by first naming the document and then clicking on “OK”. The borrower will then choose the correct scan mode based on need (for color docs such as licenses and IDs the color option would be chosen.)

Step 3: Instructions on how to scan the document will be shown and the borrower will take a picture of the document with their phone. Once complete the borrower will have a chance to adjust the picture (crop, adjust contrast) as well as add additional pages. When complete, click “Send”.

Step 4: After clicking “Send” the borrower will then click “Send Securely” to complete the process.