Encompass Custom Pipeline Views


Pipeline Views may be modified at any time. It can be very helpful to have customized pipeline views that match your own custom workflow! Below is an overview of the pipeline features as well as instructions on how to modify them.

Pipeline Features

Pipeline View

When viewing loans on the Pipeline tab you can control the information that is displayed and how it is displayed. You can then save the configuration as a new view and apply the criteria to the data at any time. A pipeline view name is the label for a saved configuration of criteria/data.

You can create as many pipeline views as you want.


A pipeline view can display your loans or all loans.

       My Loans: all loans where you are assigned in File Contacts

       All Loans: all loans that you have access to


A pipeline view can look at one or more loan folders:


Filters can be modified to limit what loans display. (Far right of pipeline)


Manage Pipeline Views

Pipeline views may be duplicated, renamed, deleted, and set as the default in the Manage Views window:

Select All Loans or My Loans

1. From the View drop-down list, select My Loans to display only loans where you are a loan team member.

2. From the View drop-down list, select All Loans to display all loans that you have permission to view.

Select Loan Folders

1. From the Loan Folder drop-down list, select one or more loan folders. Loans in the selected folder or folders will display in the Pipeline.

2. Select the <All Folders> or <Select All Active Folders> options to display all loans or all loans in active folders in the Pipeline.

Note: Loan alert details are not provided in the Pipeline when multiple loan folders are selected (or when <All Folders> or <Select All Active Folders> is selected) to help ensure optimum Pipeline performance.

Edit Columns

Add a Column

1. Right-click a column header, and then click Customize Columns.

2. To remove a column, clear the corresponding check box.

3. To add a column, select the corresponding check box.

4. Click OK.

Rearrange Columns

1. Click and then drag a column to the desired location.


2. Right-click a column header, and then click Customize Columns.

3. On the Customize Columns window, select a column name in the list.

4. Click the up arrow or down arrow in the upper-right corner to move the column up or down in the list.

5. The column at the top of the list displays on the far left of the table. The remaining columns display from left to right according to their list order.

6. Click OK.

Sort Columns

1. Click a column header to display data in ascending order based on the information in the column.

2. Alternately click the header to sort the data in descending or ascending order.

3. Example: On the Pipeline, click the Loan Amount column to display loans with the lowest amounts at the top of the Pipeline and loans with the highest amounts at the bottom. Click the header again to display the highest amounts at the top.

Edit Filters

Filters may be added/removed to specify what type of loans show in the pipeline.

1. Use the Advanced Search option to create your own search criteria.

2. Click the Advanced Search button to open the Advanced Search (or the Contact Advanced Search Dialog) window.

3. Click the New icon.

4. Use the New icon to insert a filter at the bottom of the list. To insert a filter above a selected filter, select a filter, click Insert, and then define the new filter as described below.

5. On the Add/Edit Search Filter window, click the Find icon.

6. On the Select Field window, double-click to select a field from the list.

7. Or, type one or more characters and click Find. The first occurrence of the characters in any column is found.

8. Select an Operator, enter (or select) a Value, and then click OK.

9. The Operator and Value define how the field will be used to search for loans. For example: Field ID= 1109 (Loan Amount), Operator = Greater than, Value = 250000.

10. Repeat steps 1 through 5 to add more filters.

11. You can use parentheses to control the order in which multiple filters are evaluated. Click Parentheses, select the filters to group, click the New icon, and then click OK.

12. Click Apply.

13. To switch the qualifier (Joint) between multiple filters, click AND/OR.

14. To view filters in a statement format, click View Filter.

15. To edit a filter, click the Edit icon , make required changes, and then click OK.

16. To delete a selected filter, click the Delete icon , and then click Yes in response to the confirmation message.

Save the View

After changing the columns, sorting the data, applying search criteria, or selecting All Loans or My Loans (where applicable), you can save the new configuration as a new custom view. After you save a view, you can select it at any time to apply the criteria to your loan, documents, conditions, or contact data.

1. After you have set up the data to your specifications, click the Save icon

2. Select Save as.

3. The Update the current view option is available only for custom views. You cannot save or update a standard view.

4. Type the name of the view.

5. Clear the Set as my default view check box if you do not want this view to be the default view that displays when you log in to Encompass and view the tab.

6. Click Save.

Note: You will not be prompted to save your changes when you log out. If you log out without saving your changes, your data will return to its previous configuration when you log back in.