
  1. Initial Communication: The IT Helpdesk (ITH) will attempt to reach the new hire via three separate calls. Each call will entail a detailed voicemail message outlining the purpose of the call, along with the best contact number for the new hire to return the call. In the event that the new hire cannot be reached, ITH will notify the Onboarding (ONB) and IT Coordination (ITC) teams.

  2. Opening the Site Survey Ticket: On Freshservice, our service management software, ITH will open a site survey ticket related to the onboarding form.

  3. Site Survey Explanation: During the initial conversation with the new hire, explain that the purpose of the call is to assess their home network and discuss the equipment that will be shipped to them. Emphasize that it is best to be in front of a computer for the site survey for accuracy.

  4. Assessing Network Information:
    • Request the new hire to navigate to
    • Record the user’s IP address as displayed on the website on the site survey form.
    • Use the link provided in the site survey form to identify the user’s Internet Service Provider (ISP). Document the ISP on the site survey form.

  5. Internet Speed Test:
    • Instruct the new hire to go to
    • Record the user’s download and upload speeds as indicated on the site survey form.
    • Request the user to run the test once more for validation, and note the results.

  6. Discussing Equipment Shipment: Review the list of equipment that will be shipped to the new hire.

  7. Handling Equipment Declines: If the new hire declines any of the equipment, reiterate that the equipment from our company, HMC, is most compatible with the provided laptop.

  8. Closing the Call: Before ending the call, ask the new hire if they have any questions or special requests.

  9. Documentation: Detailed notes on ticket in case of any future reference.

  10. Notifying the Relevant Teams: Should the new hire decline any equipment or have special requests, inform the ONB and ITC teams accordingly.